Monday, November 28, 2016

My Relationship with Depression

They say it’s time for us to break up
For good this time
None of this playing games
But they don’t get
How much I need you
We’ve been together for so many years
I don’t even know who I am
Apart from you
I’ll admit it
You’ve been hard on me
You’re mean
You say nasty things about me
And sometimes I believe them
You’re miserable to be with
But where else would I go?
You’re the one who’s always been there
Sitting with me in the darkness
You’ve given me ways to cope—
Albeit unhealthy ways
You’ve reminded me
That I only have to live a little bit longer
And then I can rest
I know we’re dysfunctional
I know I should leave
But I don’t know how
Where would I go?
How can I separate myself
When we’ve become one?
Do I stay with my miserable partner
Or leave and be alone?

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Life is not a Destination

When I was in college, I was anxious to graduate because I felt like I was supposed to graduate by 22 or at least 23. That just seemed to be when everyone graduated, so I felt like something was wrong with me if it took me longer to finish school. I ended up taking 6 years to finish college and graduating at 24. That may not be the norm, but I know that with everything going on in my life, I was doing good to graduate at all!

Going to Liberty, Ring by Spring was another "deadline" I missed. Not only did I not get engaged by the spring of my senior year; I hadn't even had a boyfriend! Why do we feel like we have to be engaged at 22, married at 23, and have kids by 25? (I'm making up the numbers, but you get the point.) It's great for people who fit this timeline, but what about the rest of us? Have we failed?

Now that I've graduated, the expectation is for me to work 40 hours a week. But I have health problems, so I only have the energy to work part-time.

I was a Global Studies major, and in my major there was a lot of pressure on us to move overseas soon after we graduated. And that is what I wanted to do. I had dreamed of living overseas for years. But now, between physical and mental health problems, I can't live overseas for now.

Why do we put these expectations on ourselves? Will we really be happy when we arrive at the destination of graduation, marriage, etc.? We have our whole lives to live. Let's slow down and enjoy the journey. We'll get there when we get there.