Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Daddy, Do You Love Me?

I wrote this a few weeks ago. This is what God's been teaching me recently about his love. :)

(5-year-old girl) 

Daddy, do you love me?
Yes, my little princess, I love you.
Even when I'm bad, Daddy?
Yes, darling, even when you're bad, I love you.
Even when I lied to you?
I loved you.
When I ran away from you?
I loved you.
Daddy, when did you start loving me?
My daughter, I have always loved you. I loved you even before you were born.

(15 years later)

Daddy, are you there?
Yes, my daughter.
Daddy...do you still love me?
Yes, my daughter, I will always love you.
But Daddy, if you knew what I've done...
Darling, what did you do?
I tried to lose weight 'cause I wanted them to love me.
But I love you.
I tried to get love from a guy.
I love you.
But I cut myself.
I still love you.
I thought about killing myself.
My daughter, you are precious to me and I still love you.
But Daddy...I don't feel like you love me.
But I do love you.
But Daddy, how do I know? How do I know that you love me?
See these scars on my wrists? These scars show my love for you. I loved you so much that I died for you. Because I died, you don't need to kill yourself. Because I was wounded, you don't need to hurt yourself.
But Daddy, I don't deserve it. I'm not worthy of your love.
Darling, I don't love you because you are worthy; I just love you because.
Daddy, I love you!
I love you too, my little princess, and I will always, always love you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this made me cry, precious Laurel! this is so beautiful, and so true, and so sweetly written as a conversation between our Heavenly Daddy and His precious, beloved little GIRL ...
    I am so very, very happy because you are writing TRUTH, all of this is TRUTH, and you are going to the source of all truth, as well as hearing His voice...what priceless treasures you are finding in His Word, and in His love!!
