Monday, November 25, 2013

Reflections on "Good Enough"

Are we held captive by the lie that we're not good enough because we've never defined the term "good enough"? "Good enough" is such a vague and elusive idea. Or is perfection our ideal, our idea of "good enough"? Then no wonder this lie holds us captive! We take one step toward this ideal; it backs two steps away. Perfection is unattainable, but we subconsciously convince ourselves that it is possible. When we reach for this ideal that we think is firm, we're grasping vapor, a cloud that slowly drifts away. For who can be perfect? After all, who determines what's "good enough"? When will we have arrived?
    Pursuing "good enough" is not worth it if it drains the life from our souls, removes the health from our bodies, drips blood from our skin, steals the joy from our hearts.
    We are good enough in the eyes of our Creator, the only One whose view of us matters. When God created us, He didn't say, "We'll see how she does" or "Guess he'll have to do." NO! We are created in the image of GOD, the beautiful and perfect One. When He made us, He said, "It is VERY GOOD"! Not just "good enough"--VERY GOOD!!!
    Let's take comfort in that, instead of constantly striving after our own undefined and unattainable standard of "good enough." You are not what you do. You are not how you perform. You are who you are. You are VERY GOOD!!!

Nov. 24, 2010 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Little Girl

Precious baby girl
So innocent, naïve
As I look into your eyes
I see a heart that’s pure
For now you are protected
From anything that hurts
I’d hold you in my arms forever
If I only could          
I’d shield your eyes from seeing evil 
Keep your mind from turmoil
Protect your heart from feeling pain
Before too long you’ll learn to talk
Before too long you’ll learn to walk
You will learn and grow
Eyes slowly opening to the world

Little girl, just four years old
You saw them fight
You don’t understand
I promise you
It’s not your fault

Still you are left
With wounds which leave
A lasting scar
As lies are branded
On your heart

Little girl
Who’s growing up
You’ll make mistakes that you’ll regret
You’ll think you’ve lost your innocence
Your present wrapped up in your past
You’d give anything to take it back
But now you carry so much shame
You cannot bear all this pain
You’d like to cast it all away

But little girl, do not forget
That you are loved
By your Heavenly Father
He has carried you
Since you were born
He will carry all your pain
He will remove all of your shame
His voice speaks louder than the lies
He’ll wipe away the tears you cry
For he’s the One who makes you pure
And holds your heart until the end