Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Strange Christmas

Christmas 2011--Decorating the tree . . . sort of ;)

I knew this Christmas would not be “normal.” Christmas has not been normal for the past three years. (But what is a “normal” Christmas, anyway?!)

When I was a kid and my family lived in North Carolina, we always stayed home for Christmas. My parents, my brother and I ate breakfast and then opened presents around the Christmas tree. Later we would go to my grandparents’ house and have Christmas dinner. Sometimes my aunt, uncle, and cousins from Tennessee would come too. When my family moved to Virginia in 2006, our Christmas was similar, except that Christmas day was normally spent with just my immediate family. 

Nana and Grandfather's house--Dec. 2012

In the beginning of December, 2012 my Nana passed away, about a week after she had a stroke. She was 91. I know that she is with Jesus and is no longer suffering, but I obviously still miss her! Christmas in 2012 was the hardest because my Nana had just passed away a couple weeks before. We spent Christmas in NC with my grandfather. 

I miss picking out Christmas presents for Nana...she was always the easiest person to buy for because she liked pretty much anything I got her! 

Me and Nana--a looong time ago ;)

This year my grandfather is 95. I thought we might be spending this Christmas at the hospital because grandfather was having some major health problems, but he got out of the hospital a couple days before Christmas. My family opened presents on Christmas Eve, went to our church’s Christmas Eve service, and drove to NC on Christmas morning. We visited my grandfather and had Christmas dinner with him and read the Christmas story. 

Drive to NC on Christmas morning
Squished in the car with Mandy :)

In some ways, it may not have been the “ideal” Christmas. But it was good. A fun, “normal” Christmas is nice, but it doesn’t guarantee happiness. I’m learning to be okay with strange Christmases... and strange holidays in general!   


The meaning of Christmas is still the same. God became human in Jesus. Jesus came. He was born. He lived. He died. He rose to life. He returned to heaven, where He rules forever.

Jesus is with us, always, wherever we are. He will never leave us. He is faithful. Jesus brings hope. 

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him ‘Immanuel’—which means, ‘God with us.’” Matthew 1:21-23 

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Fight

She sits on the floor, plays with her dolls
She tries to ignore them
But still hears it all
Her mommy is sobbing
Her grandmother yells
Grandfather, stubborn
Won’t change his mind
Couldn’t care less
That his daughter’s not fine
Daddy leads the girl away
But she still hears all that they say
Her 4-year-old heart
Hears the lies, feels the fears
“This wouldn’t be happening
If you were not here”
She’s the one guilty
But that soon will change
She’ll be the good girl
She’ll play the part well
And when all else fails
She’ll punish herself
This world isn’t safe
And it never will be
I’ll just make them happy
And then they’ll love me
But she didn’t know
She didn’t see
That horrible fight
Was for her safety
Mom loved her enough
To keep her free
So she’d enjoy childhood
As it was meant to be
She believed she was worthless
Guilty, condemned
But she was worth fighting for
She’ll be loved to the end

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Overcomer

Friends talk and laugh
Scattered in clusters
She floats above them
Sees herself standing with her friends
She watches herself fake a smile
Force a laugh
She used to feel alive
Forever ago
Seems like another lifetime
A life when the sun shone
Her friends loved her
Life had meaning
Now breathing is mechanical
Her heart beats slowly
She forces her feet to move
Step. Step.
Days blend together
Each one the same
Her mind is chained
Eyes blinded by darkness
She’s suffocating from pain
When will this end?
When will she feel?
When will she see?
She holds the pills, throws them out
Takes the rope, puts it down
Grasps the knife, puts it away
You call her selfish
You call her weak
You call her a quitter
But she is the courageous
She is the misunderstood
She is the strong
She is the growing
Her heart is still beating
Her lungs are still breathing
She’ll climb out of bed
Once again
She’ll walk out the door
Another chance
She’ll watch the sun rise
Another day
She’s still alive
She is the overcomer