Thursday, January 9, 2014

Will it Get Better?

Will it get better? I have asked myself this question so many times. As someone who has struggled with depression off and on since childhood, I have wondered, Will life always be as hard as it is now?

Last semester, one of my professors was talking about the book of Psalms, and he went on a tangent about people who commit suicide. He wondered, What if they had just kept going one more day? What if things would have gotten better the next day? He said, “Tomorrow might be the day of surprise. Tomorrow might be the day when God comes through.”

Sometimes, in an effort to be encouraging, people say, “Things will get better.” Maybe that’s true. Maybe it’s not. I’m not going to sit here and say that you won’t continue to struggle (whether that’s with depression or something else) for the rest of your life. Because I don’t know that. Speaking from personal experience, life always has its ups and downs. The downs may return, but that doesn’t mean the ups don’t exist. After a hard couple of months, I have been able to enjoy a solid month of being happy most of the time. So nice!

Tomorrow may be hard, but don’t let that ruin today.

Life may not get better. But it might. And that “might” is reason enough to hope. 

*Note--I believe it can and will get better! It's now been almost 4 months since I've been depressed! :)