Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Overcomer

Friends talk and laugh
Scattered in clusters
She floats above them
Sees herself standing with her friends
She watches herself fake a smile
Force a laugh
She used to feel alive
Forever ago
Seems like another lifetime
A life when the sun shone
Her friends loved her
Life had meaning
Now breathing is mechanical
Her heart beats slowly
She forces her feet to move
Step. Step.
Days blend together
Each one the same
Her mind is chained
Eyes blinded by darkness
She’s suffocating from pain
When will this end?
When will she feel?
When will she see?
She holds the pills, throws them out
Takes the rope, puts it down
Grasps the knife, puts it away
You call her selfish
You call her weak
You call her a quitter
But she is the courageous
She is the misunderstood
She is the strong
She is the growing
Her heart is still beating
Her lungs are still breathing
She’ll climb out of bed
Once again
She’ll walk out the door
Another chance
She’ll watch the sun rise
Another day
She’s still alive
She is the overcomer