Monday, August 3, 2015

The Longing

You said, “Follow me.”
I said, “I’ll follow You.”
You said, “It will cost you everything.”
I said, “You’re all I want. You are my life.”
But that was then
And this is now
And I don’t know
If you’re enough       
I ask, If you are all I need
Why do I long for something more?
If You’re the One who heals
Then why this gaping wound?
If you’re the All-Sufficient One
Then why this ever-growing void?
If you really love me
Why won’t you give me what I need
Or else take away this longing
So I can finally have some peace?
But now, it seems, I must decide
Who I will love and trust
You, Your Word and ways
Or myself and my desires
I either follow You
Ignore my heart
Shut out the longing
Plug my ears as it screams to me
Or I give in
Follow my heart
Fulfill desires
Shut You out
And lock the door
But lovingly You warn me
And I know
My heart’s deceitful
But You are Truth
My way will enslave me
In the end, it brings me death
When it seems
You’re holding me back from life
It’s then that You’re saving my life
The very thing that promises
To fill my heart
Would leave me broken, bleeding
Lifeless, disillusioned
But for every longing
You are enough
And so for this longing
You are enough
You are my Shepherd
I shall not want

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