Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Boss in my Brain: A Letter to OCD

This is is basically my story, although I did get the idea for a letter from a To Write Love on Her Arms blog post.

Dear Boss in my Brain,

You stole my childhood.

How many hours did I spend obeying your demands when I could have been playing outside?

You lied to me. 

You told me you'd keep me safe. You told me if I just did what you said, I would stay healthy. My friends would accept me. My parents and teachers would be proud. 

You mocked me as I angrily accepted the 4th grade "Neatness Award." That stupid certificate wasn't worth the hours wasted forming each letter slowly, perfectly.

Dear Boss in my Brain,

You play on my fears
Of sickness, death, rejection, disapproval.

You're the constant nagging voice, telling me that if I don't do things just your way, I won't be "good enough."

You torment me with the idea that if I don't confess my sins "just so," God won't forgive me. That if I don't measure up, God won't love me. 

How much money have I spent on medication that muffles your voice but doesn't shut you up?

And I'm sure now you're smiling wickedly as I recount all your "successes" and how you've stolen my life. 

You convinced me that you own me. That I'm your slave and I can never escape. That you're just a part of who I am. And for many years I believed you—until a friend told me how she'd been set free from her own "boss." Hope was awakened because I saw that, just maybe, freedom was possible for me too. 

Dear Boss in my Brain,

You planned to exploit me and torment me. 

But you didn't plan for me to learn at an early age that God can bring good out of pain.

You didn't plan for me to learn not to believe everything I hear. 

You didn't plan for me to learn God's true heart of love.

Dear Boss in my Brain,

You no longer own me, for I have a new Master.

He speaks words of life, not condemnation.
He tells me, "Do not fear."
He loves me so much that he was even willing to die in my place.
He seeks my good and not my harm.
He is the One I've chosen to follow.
He is the One I'll listen to.
My new Master
Is Jesus.