Saturday, July 16, 2016

Take me as I am

Take me as I am today

Not how I'll be tomorrow

Take me with all my confusion

Don't wait until I make sense 

In my own mind         

Take me with all my doubts

Quiet the angry voices

That scream in my head

Take me with all my anger

And quiet me with love

Take my messy life

Let me see it still has value

Maybe someday

We can talk about change

But right now I just need you to love me

I don't want to have to 

Be someone else

I want you to accept 

Me for me

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Cinder Block: My analogy for depression

Depression can be hard to explain, and it can be really hard for people who have never experienced it to truly understand. This is one way I like to think of it.

Being depressed is like having a cinder block hanging from your heart. It's heavy and painful, but you can't do anything to get rid of it. You have to drag it with you wherever you go. Sometimes it seems heavier than others. Some days you might be able to live normally, but with an underlying sadness and something that slows you down a little. Other days, it's all you can do to just get out of bed. People might think you're just being lazy or having a bad day, but you know the pain you feel and the motivation that's missing.

But there are things that can help to lighten the cinder block for me. Taking a nap (although I have to be careful not to oversleep). A hug from a friend. Spending time with people who care.

If you know someone with depression, try to remember that it can be hard to live a normal life while carrying a "cinder block." 

If you have depression, remember that life will probably not always be this painful. There will be days when the cinder block lightens or disappears completely and you can enjoy life again.