Friday, June 30, 2017

Perspectives on my Life

Sometimes I wish I could just be normal. I get discouraged that I'm not working a full-time job, living out my dreams, traveling the world, that I don't have a husband/boyfriend. It is so easy to compare myself to others and wonder why I can't be like them or have their life. But recently I've realized, considering everything I have to deal with, I am really doing well. I have about 5 mental illnesses (I say "about" because one of them has not been officially diagnosed) and about 5 physical health conditions. But I still work part-time and have somewhat of a social life. I haven't given up! I can't do a lot of things that the average person can do, but the average person doesn't have to deal with so many illnesses at once. (This is not to minimize anything that anyone's going through. I know that everyone has their own struggles to deal with.) My life isn't going exactly how I'd like it to go, but it could be a lot worse. I think sometimes the people that the world considers unsuccessful are the people who are fighting the hardest and dealing with the toughest things. It just goes unnoticed.