Saturday, January 7, 2012

Thoughts on the Prodigal Son

I started a new Bible study today, and I was reading the story of the Prodigal Son. I've read the story many times, and I've always liked it, but today I saw it in a new way. What stood out to me is that the father welcomed his son back. "Filled with compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him" (Luke 15:20). The father was not only willing, but happy, to forgive! 
    When I sin, I know God will forgive me. But too often, I think of Him as being reluctant to forgive. The story of the Prodigal Son shows that God is eager to forgive.  He doesn't see us as a failure because we've messed up in the same way once again. We have freedom in God's forgiveness. Not freedom that says, "Oh, you can go back to your sin. It's okay," but freedom that says, "I sent my sinless Son to die in your place. He has taken your sin away from you, and I have given you His righteousness and purity. When I look at you, I don't see your sin and filth; I see beauty and purity and perfection. Because when I look at you, I see my Son."

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