Thursday, July 18, 2013


The sun shines down
And warms her face
The cool breeze blows
Against her skin
She lies in the green grass
Stares up at the blue sky
This feeling is so foreign
She knows it is not here to stay
But she’ll enjoy it while it lasts

Uneasiness sets in
The sky turns gray
A cool fog dampens her skin
She knew this companion of darkness would return
God, please make it leave, she whispers
The familiar lies run through her mind.
You are worthless.
You will never be good enough.
You’re alone.
You might as well give up.
She tries to remember what’s true
But lies are all she can hear

They all expect her to be happy
To just wake up and be okay
They won’t believe that she is sick
And cannot heal herself
What they do not know
Is that just living, breathing
Is exhausting
Pretending to be happy
Just makes things worse
When she’s dying inside
Simultaneously hurt and numb

She’s afraid to keep on living
But giving up is not an option
So she’ll keep on fighting
Keep on breathing
And hope that someday
This darkness will fade
Someday she’ll find hope
And know the Truth
That sets her free


  1. oh, Lord, thank you for this precious woman that You dearly love, and how she has battled and battled, and written it down so honestly so we can see....Thank You for giving her hope, even on these darkest of days, that "Someday she'll find hope and know the Truth that sets her free..." Thank You for helping her cling to that when she was in her darkest days....Thank You for letting me know this precious person~! In Jesus' Name, Amen....(from Donna Jeanne)
