Friday, January 30, 2015

Do You See Me?

She tries on an outfit—the fifth one this morning
Maybe today he’ll notice
Maybe today he’ll like me
Do you see me?

He goes to football practice after school
Another hour of sweaty, hard work
Maybe this time Dad will be proud
Do you see me?

She eats her lunch
Hides in the bathroom stall
Throws up her food
Will I ever be good enough?

He walks into his room, slams the door
Blasts the music to drown out the yelling
Can I escape?

She cuts her arms, bleeds
Hides it under hoodie sleeves
Do you believe my pain is real?

He picks up the gun, sets it back down
Does my life have meaning?

Answers come, which were once hidden in silence
Warm sunbeams pierce what was once cold darkness
As God steps down
And enters into pain

You are my precious child
I love you

I formed you in your mother’s womb
I know you

I planned every day you would live
I want you

I have never left you and never will
I’m with you

I wear the wounds and scars for you
I heal you

My eye is on you
And I will never look away
I see you

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful....
    Beauty for ashes...
    Love reading what you write!
    Hope many read this and find healing and help and hope
