Thursday, September 24, 2015

Random things that help with depression

I've struggled with depression to some extent since childhood and more so since high school. This is just a list of things that have helped me to cope with depression or lessened my depression at one time or another. None of these things are necessarily a cure. Since everyone's different, some of these ideas may help you and others may not. Don't get overwhelmed by trying to do all of these; these are just some ideas. And there are probably plenty of other helpful things that I didn't mention here. This list is somewhat random and isn't in order of importance or anything. I hope this is encouraging/helpful to others who struggle with depression. It is a good reminder to me! ;)

Being outside

Not sure how this would work for someone who hates the outdoors lol . . . But I love being outside! It is a lot more peaceful, and it feels easier to breathe.

Reminding yourself of the truth

It is so easy to believe lies when you're depressed. For example, "I'm worthless," "I'm a bother to people," "Life is hopeless," etc.

But, if you have a relationship with Jesus, these are some of the things that are true:
Sometimes, if the depression is bad enough, I have trouble remembering what the truth is. At times like this, it's helped me to have good friends remind me of what's true. 


I know that this can be really frustrating (and probably overused) advice. I like to compare this advice to telling someone who has the flu to go run a 5K! (And this is coming from someone who's bad at running!) It can be extremely hard to make yourself get out of bed and go to school or work, much less exercise! So don't feel like you have to push yourself too hard. But getting a little bit of exercise (taking a walk, going on a short bike ride) can really help you feel better emotionally.


Within reason . . . It's easy to sleep too much when you're depressed, but not getting enough sleep can definitely make it worse!


Once again, within reason! Depression is different for everyone, so some people eat too much and others eat too little. I often lose my appetite, but I usually feel better if I make myself eat something.

Spending time with friends

It's best if they're "safe" friends . . . friends you can be yourself around, and you don't have to pretend to be happy when you're not.

Seeing a counselor

Aka. therapist. For some reason I really hate the name "therapist," so I always call them counselors. Sometimes it can take a few tries before finding someone who's good for you.


This isn't for everybody, but they can be really helpful if the depression is caused by a chemical imbalance. I've also heard that low vitamin levels can cause depression, so vitamin supplements could help with that.


Sometimes it's easier for me to express my thoughts and feelings through writing than through talking. I also like to journal and write my prayers to God.

Listening to music

But you have to be careful with this one. Depending on the music, it can make you feel better or worse.

Playing an instrument

For me it's guitar. :)


Play with your pets . . . or your neighbors' pets! ;) Unless, of course, you hate animals!


You might be tired of hearing this one. Christians can so flippantly say, "Just pray about it!" as if that fixes everything. But we weren't designed to carry our burdens and pain, by ourselves; it will crush us if we try! It is such a relief when you finally give your burdens to God. And you have to keep going to him again and again.

Reading the Bible

I really like reading Psalms. It is comforting and reminds me of God's love.

Making a list of things you're  thankful for

Some people seem to think that unthankfulness and pessimism are the only causes for depression, and that is not true! However, thankfulness has helped me because it changes my perspective and it's a way to praise God.

Making a list every day of things that made you happy

This is something my counselor suggested last year. It helped to change my perspective. You may not find something every day, and that's okay. But don't overlook the little things that make you smile: Seeing a friend, hearing a friend's laugh, eating food you like, seeing a sunrise/sunset, playing with your dog . . .

Looking for the beauty around you

Even in the pain and ugliness of life, there's still beauty. Don't miss it!  Sunrises and sunsets, flowers--alive or dead!, trees, colors and patterns, smiles, laughter . . .

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