Sunday, April 12, 2015

If You Only Knew

Although the topic is different, I got some ideas/inspiration for this poem from my friend Mandy Moore's poems, particularly Her Only Choice and Speak Up Sweet Child.

The point of this poem is that we shouldn't judge others because we have no idea what they're going through. That's not to say that sin is okay or that it should be encouraged. 

If you only knew

That this was not her choice

If you only knew 

Maybe you’d give her back her voice

If you could only spend

A few moments in her mind

Maybe you would stop

Before judging her this time

If you only knew

What she had missed when she was young

Maybe you would understand

Just how this all begun

If you could feel the boulder

Hanging from her heart

Maybe you would stop

Before tearing her apart

If you only knew

Struggle isn’t always sin

Maybe you would help her fight

And tell her she can win

If you only knew

That Jesus was a friend sinners

You might also be her friend

Instead of judging her a sinner

If you could only feel

Everything she felt

Maybe you would shut your mouth

Instead of saying, “Burn in Hell”

If you only knew 

That this was causing her to bleed

Maybe you would try to be

The friend she really needs

If you knew the guilt and shame

She carries every day

Maybe you would carry her

And not just turn away

If you only knew

That her time is running out

You would show her she is needed

Instead of causing her to doubt

If you only knew

Just how much she wants to live

You would step outside yourself

And to her freedom, give

If you only knew

That all she really wants is love

You would show her she is cherished

And washed with Jesus’ blood 

If you only knew 

That she is one of us

You would treat her like a treasure

Instead of trampling her like dust


  1. oh, Laurel, this is beautiful, but sad...
    May the Lord surround you with those who value your contributions, value you as an individual,
    value everything about your life!
    You are so precious! You are precious to our Lord, precious to your friends and those who know you,
    precious in His sight! And as you share your life with others, they are helped!
    May the Lord strengthen you for the fight, put all the tools in your hands for winning this battle...!!!
    He is able! Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to let you stand in the presence of His glory, blameless with great joy, to the Only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord!
    Love you and praying, Donna Jeanne

    1. Thank you! <3 I wasn't talking just about myself/my struggles in this poem... partly about me, partly about some friends, and partly about people I don't know.
